David Ulrich
El Presidente
Beth Ulrich
The Bean Counter
Kristina Savoren
Queen of the Seen
Moe Strong
Lens Master Supreme
Dr. Mike Krysiak
Dr. Tyler Baars
Sight for Sore Eyes
Dr. Jacob Erickson
Dr. Tim Nelson
Brett Wergeland
Pierre La France
Rebecca Granroth
Girl Freyeday
Joseph Morehead
Director of Spectaclology
Carol Biederstedt
Specta Gal
Carter Anderson
Black Belt in Optics
Tara Murphy
The Warden
Rozalia Toth
Your Personalized Shopper
Dave Hirsch
Mr. Professional
Bonnie Lavell
Eye Caramba
Kimberly Subias
American Eye Doll
Rose Palmer
Vision Vamp
Sarah Rust
Eye Candy
Max Ellis
Frame Whisperer
Megan Bongers
Glasses Half Full Gal
Jess Rosenquist
Eye Got You
Logan Szalay
Apprentice of Optics
Mick Weiss
Pickin’ Optician
David Landis
H-eye Roller
Lydia Peterson
Eyelicious Phenom
Cory Martineau
Jason Hedlund
Wayne Hughes